Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

In toto imaging of Phallusia embryonic development

Organism : Ascidian
Species : Phallusia mammillata
Description : embryo expressing H2B::mRFP1 (DNA in red) and MAP7::GFP (mitotic spindles in green) imaged in timelapse (dt=2') from 16 cell stage to tailbud. The ectoderm lineage (animal half of the embryo) is shown.
Attributions : rémi dumollard, céline hebras, lydia besnardeau, alex mcdougall
Publication : Beta-catenin patterns the cell cycle during maternal-to-zygotic transition in urochordate embryos
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Tags : 16 cell stage MAP7::GFP Brightfield H2B::mRFP1 Tailbud
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